© 2024 Druid Hills Property Owners’ Association, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Emergency Phone Numbers
Teller County Sheriff’s Office
11400 W. Hwy 24, Divide, CO 80814
Emergencies Dial 911
Non-Emergencies (719) 687-9652
Florissant Fire and Rescue - (719) 748-3909
2606 US-24, Florissant, CO 80816
Teller County Animal Control
(719) 687-9652
Teller County Dept. of Transportation
(719) 687-8812
InterMountain Rural Electric Association
(800) 332-9540
Natural Gas
Colorado Natural Gas – (800) 720-8193
Glaser Gas – (719) 687-1180
USPS Florissant Branch – (719) 748-3891
(Contact to obtain a box)
CenturyLink – (866) 699-9596
DIRECTV – (800) 531-5000
Dish Network – (855) 389-9851
Skybeam – (888) 759-2326
Teller County Waste
(Special discount offer available for
Druid Hills POA Members)
Apex Waste – (719) 686-7517
The Document and Forms page has
several important Teller County, Colorado
State, and FEMA documents for
Important County, State and
FEMA Documents
Area Alerts
Looking to receive alerts from your local
PeakAlerts.org is the one emergency
notification platform used by the Teller
County Sheriff’s Office for all all emergency
and non-emergency notifications.
Nixle.com keeps you up-to-date with
relevant information from your local public
safety departments & schools.
Add’l Teller County Info.
Report Speeding Form -
Teller County Sheriff's Office
Road and Bridges
Teller County Dept. of Transportation
(719) 687-8812
Bear Aware - Colorado Parks
and Wildlife
Reflective Address Signs
Need to order a reflective address sign
that is 911 Emergency Friendly?
Florissant Fire Rescue provides a
super-easy way to order one.
Order FFR Address Signs
A Fed Deer Is a Dead Deer &
Deer-Resistant Plants
(Colorado Parks and Wildlife)
Did you know that feeding deer can be
fatal to deer? Looking for ideas about
plants that are deer resistant?
Official CPW Information Brochure
Firewood Supplier
Randy Hansen (719)-371-8163.
Tech Recommendations
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
District Wildlife Manager
For all wildlife related matters:
Tyson Floersheim
C: 719-439-9634
P: 719-277-5281
Dispatch: 719-544-2424
Bear Aware is a network of trained
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
volunteers throughout the state who
help their neighbors and communities
prevent problems for themselves and
bears. The Bear Aware program was
founded in 1998. Today there are over
220 volunteers, statewide, dedicated
to helping people coexist with bears.
Bear Aware volunteers can answer
questions, offer practical advice, and
even make house calls. Volunteers also
present educational programs and
staffs informational booths at events.
Contact a Bear Aware Volunteer
The Colorado Parks & Wildlife
website is a rich repository of
information. Many resources are
available on a variety of wild animals
found in our area. Here are just a few
things you can discover:
What do do if you see a bear
Bear-proofing the home or business
Black bears at a glance
Living with bears resources
Bear aware videos
Here are additional informative
Colorado Parks and Wildlife pages:
Contact Regional Volunteer
Coordinators and Bear Aware
Colorado Wildlife Information
Cybersecurity and
ExpressVPN is one of the best VPNs
available. A VPN (virtual private network)
is a service that both encrypts your data
and hides your IP address. Your online
identity is obscured, even on public
Wi-Fi networks, so that you can browse
the Internet safely, securely, and
Bitdefender achieved perfect antivirus lab
results and a collection of features that puts
many full security suites to shame,
Bitdefender is a top choice protection for
you and your family's digital journey - across
all devices and online experiences.
TotalAV is an excellent award-winning
antivirus, security software, and VPN.
SaferNet is an always-on ultra-fast VPN
for your privacy; stops malware,
ransomware and viruses; cloud based
Internet management and filters for
your control.
A password manager is like a shield
that will protect your personal
information. It stores and organizes
your passwords, so you don’t have to
remember them. It’s safe, easy, and
secure. Here are two top
Has your email or phone been
compromised in a data breach? Want
to find out? There is a free website that
will check over 10 billion records for you.
Go to: haveibeenpwned.com
Remove unwanted ads on YouTube
and everywhere else you browse.
Adblock Plus is a free extension that
allows you to customize your web
experience. You can block annoying ads,
disable tracking and lots more. It’s
available for all major desktop browsers
and for your mobile devices.
From Chrome Web Store
Adblock Plus Website
Want a secure way to provide guests with
the Wi-Fi password? Instead of giving out
your Wi-Fi password, post a QR code that
guests can scan with their phones. It’s a
secure shortcut with your password hidden
QIFI.org is a free online QR code
generator for Wi-Fi access that works with
Apple and Android.
Go to: qifi.org